Thursday, December 22, 2011

Remarks by UCC President are Arrogant and Elitist

Remarks by UCC President are Arrogant and Elitist

Sinn Féin TD Jonathan O’Brien has hit out at remarks by the President of UCC Dr Michael Murphy, who has claimed that widening access to third level has been at the expense of the education provided to top students.

Deputy O’Brien said:

“The remarks by the President of UCC display a breath-taking arrogance and elitism. He appears to see third level education as existing solely to serve what he calls “the top 2% to 5% of performers” and to dismiss those he would consider weaker students from consideration.”

“He claims that efforts to improve access to higher education have led to declining standards and a flight of top students from the country, without providing a shred of evidence to prove his case.”

“The reality is we need to do more to improve access to further education, not less. Currently the participation rate in third level on the Northside is only 7%. Is Dr Murphy saying people from working class areas of the city should be permanently denied the opportunity to go on to third level?”

“There is certainly an increasing pressure on third level education in Ireland, with student numbers rising at the same time as staff numbers are being reduced. But rather than hit out at disadvantaged students for the failures of the education system, Dr Murphy should be laying the blame where it belongs – on government cutbacks.”

“He might also want to look closer to home. With the highest salary of any university president, at €232,151, perhaps he should show leadership by taking a voluntary pay-cut and ploughing the money saved back into the university.”

For further information or comment contact Jonathan O’Brien TD @ 086-0274142

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cut in Disabled Persons Grant Condemned

Cut in Disabled Persons Grant Condemned

Sinn Féin councillor Fiona Kerins has condemned last night’s decision by Cork City Council to reduce funding for the Disabled Person’s Grant to social housing tenants by 50%.

Cllr Kerins said:

“Last night the council voted to reduce funding for the Disabled Person’s Grant to social housing tenants from €800,000 last year to €400,000 in 2012. This was despite an amendment tabled by Sinn Féin which would have redirected some of the budget currently allocated for plant hire to maintaining the Grant. There is evidence that much of the machinery hired by the council from outside contractors is currently under-utilised. ”

“The Disabled Person’s Grant is a lifeline for many elderly and disabled people in our communities, providing them with financial assistance to adapt their homes in ways that aid mobility and give them a decent standard of living. The council’s decision to impose such a large reduction in the Grant will mean these tenants are denied basic facilities which they need to live with dignity in their homes.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Fiona Kerins @ 085-1091758

Councillors Fail to Show Leadership – O’Leary

Councillors Fail to Show Leadership – O’Leary

Councillor Chris O’Leary has accused councillors other parties of failing to show leadership after a series of motions to reduce conference expenses and the Lord Mayors’ salary were voted down at the budget meeting last night.

Cllr O’Leary said:

“Councilors from Labour, Fine Gael and Fianna Fail last night repeatedly voted down motions which would have allocated money to areas such as housing maintenance, estate resurfacing and traffic-calming at the expense of payments to public representatives.”

“Sinn Féin motions that would have seen the Lord Mayors’ salary of €114,200 reduced to €35,000, a moratorium on conference expenses, and the €10,000 payments to chairs of SPCs abolished were all voted down.”

“Despite the fact that councillors from all parties lamented the absence of any provision for estate resurfacing in Cork City next year, they also rejected a motion from my colleague Cllr Thomas Gould which would have reallocated €60,000 from conference expenses – just €10,000 per ward – to deal with the worst cases.”

“This shows an appalling lack of leadership from elected representatives in Cork at a time of deep crisis and hardship for many ordinary households. The councillors have shown that given a straight choice, they prefer to maintain an exorbitant salary for the Lord Mayor, conference expenses and other perks of the job rather than put the money into basic services.”

“In particular, that the Labour Party voted en bloc against every motion to reduce conference expenses speaks volumes about how out of touch that party is with the hardships being experienced by working families in Cork.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Council Support for Vita Cortex Workers

Council Support for Vita Cortex Workers

Cork City Council last night voted unanimously to back a motion declaring solidarity with workers at Vita Cortex.

The motion – proposed by Sinn Féin councillor Chris O’Leary – called on both NAMA and the Minister for Enterprise to use every effort to secure redundancy payments for the workers.

Speaking afterwards, Cllr O’Leary welcomed the council’s backing for the motion:

“There is huge sympathy among the people of Cork with the plight of these workers, laid off a week before Christmas and left without redundancy payments after years of service.”

“I would like to extend my personal sympathy and solidarity to them in their campaign for justice.”

“Whatever the precise legal form of the relationship between Vita Cortex in Cork and Athlone, there is a moral obligation on the company, NAMA, and the Minister for Enterprise to work together to ensure these workers receive the redundancy payments to which they are entitled.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sinn Féin Councillors to Challenge Budget

Sinn Féin Councillors to Challenge Budget

Sinn Féin councillor Chris O’Leary has said the party will be challenging the council’s budget proposals in a range of areas when they come before tonight’s meeting.

Cllr O’Leary – who is also chair of the council’s finance committee – said:

“Councilors have now been notified that the council’s capital programme for 2012-2013 is under review and parts of it may be shelved due to reductions in government funding. This is an alarming development which has serious implications for the authority’s ability to deliver services in the future.”

“We are already facing cuts of up to €12 million in current expenditure, which will hit areas such as housing maintenance, road resurfacing, and the disabled person’s grant.”

“Sinn Féin has identified alternative areas where savings could be made, including expenditure on plant hire, fuel and the rent of office spaces around the city which are currently lying idle. Frontline services should be cut only when every other alternative has been exhausted, and I am not convinced the council has looked at all the other options for savings.”

“We will also be proposing that the Lord Mayors’ salary of €114,200 should be reduced to €35,000, and that there should be a moratorium on conference expenses. This would save €220,000 – but equally importantly it is a way for elected representatives to show leadership and demonstrate solidarity with those who are suffering hardship due to the current economic crisis.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sinn Féin to Resist Cut in Disabled Persons' Grant-Kerins

Sinn Féin to Resist Cut in Disabled Persons' Grant-Kerins

Sinn Féin councillor Fiona Kerins has criticised proposals by Cork City Council to reduce funding for the Disabled Person’s Grant to social housing tenants by 50%.

Cllr Kerins said:

“The Disabled Person’s Grant is a lifeline for many elderly and disabled people in our communities, providing them with financial assistance to adapt their homes in ways that aid mobility and give them a decent standard of living.”

“In the draft budget, the council is proposing to reduce the funds available for the Disabled Person’s Grant to social housing tenants from €800,000 last year to €400,000 in 2012.”

“This is a massive reduction which will mean elderly and disabled tenants being denied basic facilities which they need to live with dignity in their homes.”

“The proposed cut must be reversed. It is scandalous that the council should be proposing to spend €114,000 on the Lord Mayor’s salary and €145,000 on conference fees while some of the most vulnerable people in our city are treated in this way.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Fiona Kerins @ 085-1091758

Council Must Move Faster to Grit Roads-Nugent

Council Must Move Faster to Grit Roads-Nugent

Sinn Féin councillor Mick Nugent has criticised the slow response by Cork City Council to this morning’s icy road conditions and said it raises questions over how much the council has improved its preparedness after last year’s freezing weather.

Cllr Nugent said:

“As part of the new winter emergency plan introduced after last year’s cold weather, councillors are now getting a daily weather update. But the council has done something as basic as to get gritting trucks out on roads around the city after last night’s freezing temperatures.”

“Many roads and footpaths are extremely treacherous, particularly in areas of the Northside and off the main routes. I have received numerous phone-calls from constituents about the conditions.”

“However, there is little sign of council teams out gritting the roads. Surely after the experience of the last two winters the council should be prepared to move immediately in response to freezing conditions?”

“It is also important, with the weekend coming up, that the council makes roads and paths across the city safe today, and does not wait until Monday.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Mick Nugent @ 087-6755793

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Council Budget Must Protect Core Services – O’Leary

Council Budget Must Protect Core Services – O’Leary

The Sinn Féin leader on Cork City Council, Chris O’Leary, has said the council’s budget must protect core services, and that there are other areas where savings can be made.

Cllr O’Leary – who is also chair of the council’s finance committee – said:

“Indications are that this year’s budget will involve a cut of up to €12 million in expenditure. While the council can do nothing about cuts in the funding it receives from central government, every effort must be made to protect core services.”

“From the figures we have seen to date, it looks like areas such as housing maintenance, road resurfacing, and staffing are being targeted for cuts. This is simply unacceptable. These areas have taken the brunt of cutbacks in recent years and cannot be squeezed any further.”

“The fact is there are other areas in the council’s budget where we could make savings without reducing services to the public.”

“Currently the council leases office space in buildings across the city. Many of these properties are vacant due to staff reductions, and there is also spare office capacity in City Hall. For example, two floors of Abbeycourt House, leased by the council for €50,000 a year, are currently unused. The council should audit its properties and sublet those which are not in use if it cannot get out of the lease.”

“In the past year €4.5 million was spent on machinery, much of it on plant hire. Frequently the council hires staff along with machinery from contractors, even though it has qualified staff of its own. The local authority could follow the example of private companies which have cut their costs by purchasing machinery rather than hiring it. This would pay for itself within 2-3 years and reduce overheads.”

“The Lord Mayors’ salary of €114,200 should be reduced to €35,000, close to the average wage. In the current climate there is no excuse for paying someone this kind of money to fulfil a purely honorary position. The payment of €6,000 to the Deputy Lord Mayor should be abolished.”

“€145,700 is earmarked for conference expenses in the draft budget. Sinn Féin believes there should be a complete moratorium on conference payments in the current economic climate.”

“Councillors who are chairs of Strategic Policy Committees receive an additional payment of €10,000 for attending four committee meetings per year. Abolition of these payments would save €200,000 over a full council term of five years.”

“Plainly there are areas of council expenditure which could be trimmed without hitting services to the public. Sinn Féin will be putting forward alternative proposals to the council at Monday’s meeting which would ensure the cuts fall where they have the least impact on families and communities who are already struggling to get by.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

The Sinn Féin leader on Cork City Council, Chris O’Leary, has said the council’s budget must protect core services, and that there are other areas where savings can be made.

Cllr O’Leary – who is also chair of the council’s finance committee – said:

“Indications are that this year’s budget will involve a cut of up to €12 million in expenditure. While the council can do nothing about cuts in the funding it receives from central government, every effort must be made to protect core services.”

“From the figures we have seen to date, it looks like areas such as housing maintenance, road resurfacing, and staffing are being targeted for cuts. This is simply unacceptable. These areas have taken the brunt of cutbacks in recent years and cannot be squeezed any further.”

“The fact is there are other areas in the council’s budget where we could make savings without reducing services to the public.”

“Currently the council leases office space in buildings across the city. Many of these properties are vacant due to staff reductions, and there is also spare office capacity in City Hall. For example, two floors of Abbeycourt House, leased by the council for €50,000 a year, are currently unused. The council should audit its properties and sublet those which are not in use if it cannot get out of the lease.”

“In the past year €4.5 million was spent on machinery, much of it on plant hire. Frequently the council hires staff along with machinery from contractors, even though it has qualified staff of its own. The local authority could follow the example of private companies which have cut their costs by purchasing machinery rather than hiring it. This would pay for itself within 2-3 years and reduce overheads.”

“The Lord Mayors’ salary of €114,200 should be reduced to €35,000, close to the average wage. In the current climate there is no excuse for paying someone this kind of money to fulfil a purely honorary position. The payment of €6,000 to the Deputy Lord Mayor should be abolished.”

“€145,700 is earmarked for conference expenses in the draft budget. Sinn Féin believes there should be a complete moratorium on conference payments in the current economic climate.”

“Councillors who are chairs of Strategic Policy Committees receive an additional payment of €10,000 for attending four committee meetings per year. Abolition of these payments would save €200,000 over a full council term of five years.”

“Plainly there are areas of council expenditure which could be trimmed without hitting services to the public. Sinn Féin will be putting forward alternative proposals to the council at Monday’s meeting which would ensure the cuts fall where they have the least impact on families and communities who are already struggling to get by.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SF Councillor Questions Revised Housing Figures-Nugent

SF Councillor Questions Revised Housing Figures-Nugent

Sinn Féin councillor Mick Nugent has questioned the methods used by the council to cut nearly 1,000 people from the city’s housing list.

Cllr Nugent said:

“The council simply posted a form to everybody on the list, and removed their name if they did not return it. While undoubtedly some on the housing list were no longer seeking social housing, others may simply have failed to return the form on time because it was sent to the wrong address, because they did not receive it, or due to literacy or other personal issues.”

“I have no doubt that many people in genuine need of housing have been removed from the list in a very cavalier fashion.”

“Nonetheless, the revised figures show graphically the scale of housing need in Cork City. There are 8,000 people still on the housing list after this revision. Furthermore, officials informed the council last night that while 3,000 of these are in receipt of rent supplement, 5,000 are not. This means 5,000 people in Cork City who are eligible for social housing, actively seeking it, and are not currently accommodated in the rented sector.”

“Meeting the housing needs of these people must become a priority for the council.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Mick Nugent @ 087-6755793

O’Brien Seeks Face-to-Face Meeting with Minister over School Cuts

O’Brien Seeks Face-to-Face Meeting with Minister over School Cuts

Jonathan O’Brien TD has sought a face-to-face meeting with the Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, over cutbacks which will see class sizes double in some Northside Schools.

Deputy O’Brien said:

“Yesterday I met with the principals of primary schools across the Northside who will be affected by the education cuts in this budget. They informed me that approximately forty teachers will be lost by 12 primary schools in disadvantaged areas of Cork’s Northside.”

“In some schools the cuts will result in pupil-teacher ratios increasing from 15:1 to 22:1 in the junior section. What this will mean in practice is that classes will be doubled up and children will get half the amount of attention.”

“All these schools have been designated DEIS schools, due to the high number of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds they enrol. Over the past number of years they have done huge work in improving educational outcomes for these children, through the personal relationship pupils have with their teachers in smaller classes and small group work. Experience has shown this has made a real difference to educational outcomes, especially in basic literacy and maths.”
“Now all this progress is being put at risk. Increased class sizes will mean less time is spent by the teacher with each individual pupil. Factor in that these schools have already been hit hard by cuts in SNAs and other support services and the reality is the educational chances of children on Cork’s Northside are being seriously undermined.”
“While we live in straightened times, the government still has choices. It could have implemented Labour’s declared policy during the general election – a new 48% tax rate on individual incomes over €100,000 – rather than cutting teachers in disadvantaged schools. Unfortunately, the coalition has chosen to make the vulnerable in our society take the brunt of the pain.”
“I will be raising this issue in the Dail at 5pm today and have requested a face-to-face meeting with Minister Quinn to underline the importance of reversing these cutbacks now and protecting the future education of children in Cork.”
For further information or comment contact Jonathan O’Brien TD @ 086-0274142

Cuts to Southside Schools will Hurt Children’s Education-O'Leary

Cuts to Southside Schools will Hurt Children’s Education-O'Leary

Sinn Féin councillor Chris O’Leary has hit out at cutbacks which will see 9 teachers lost by DEIS schools in the Mahon/Blackrock area of the city. These cutbacks will have a direct and negative impact on the education of disadvantaged children.

Cllr O’Leary said:

“Due to cutbacks in this budget, just three schools – Scoil Ursula, Blackrock; Gaelscoil Mhachan; and Scoil na Croise Naofa, Mahon – will lose 9 teachers between them. A similar pattern is occurring in other schools across the city.”

“These three schools have been designated DEIS schools, due to the high number of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds they enrol. Over the past number of years they have done huge work in improving educational outcomes for these children, through smaller classes and focused attention on individual pupils.”
“Now all this progress is being put at risk. The loss of teachers at these and other DEIS schools across the city will lead to an increase in class sizes. That will mean less time spent by the teacher with each individual pupil. Factor in the reality that these schools have already been hit hard by cuts in SNAs and other support services and the reality is the educational chances of disadvantaged children in Cork are being seriously undermined.”

“It is ironic that this should be happening under a Labour Minister for Education. But this is a government which is currently paying billions of foreign bondholders in Anglo-Irish Bank. These cuts did not have to happen. Sinn Féin put forward a detailed and costed pre-budget submission which would have closed the deficit by €3.6 billion without hitting front-line services. Unfortunately, the coalition have chosen to make the vulnerable in our society take the brunt of the pain.”
“It is still not too late to reverse these cutbacks and Sinn Féin will support school principals and parents as they campaign to do so.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Monday, December 5, 2011

Budget Protest at Patrick’s Bridge, 5pm Tomorrow

Budget Protest at Patrick’s Bridge, 5pm Tomorrow

Cllr Chris O’Leary has called on individuals and groups opposed to the budget to support a protest taking place at 5pm tomorrow at Patrick’s Bridge.

Cllr O’Leary said:
“Today’s budget announcements show that Labour and Fine Gael are taking a page out of Fianna Fail’s copybook and targeting families, social welfare recipients and public sector workers as they continue with the failed policies of cutbacks and austerity.”
“At the same time, the handover of billions of Euros of taxpayers’ money to international bondholders continues.”

“Tomorrow’s protest will take place at 5pm at Patrick’s Bridge. We invite members of the public, as well as representatives of all parties and organisation opposed to the cuts, to demonstrate their opposition to the budget and the payment of further public money to the bondholders.”

For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Friday, December 2, 2011

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Sinn Féin Cllr Chris O’Leary has accused the Labour Party of executing a massive u-turn by voting in favour extending the bank guarantee.

Councillor O’Leary said:
“The Labour Party has executed a massive u-turn, abandoning its opposition to the bank guarantee and writing a further blank cheque for the banks.”
“Yesterday’s vote means the Irish taxpayer will be saddled with further unknown liabilities on top of the existing guarantee of €100 billion.”

“Given the risk to the taxpayer involved in the bank guarantee this must be the single biggest and most expensive political u-turn in Dáil history. Labour TDs trooped into the lobbies to give a further 12 months of life to what is universally regarded as the most costly and the most damaging decision ever taken by an Irish government. They did so at a time when uncertainty and volatility in the banking system is increasing and with it the level of risk to the taxpayer.”

“The scale of this U-turn is truly breath-taking, given the depth of opposition to the bank guarantee previously expressed by Labour party.”
“Unlike others, Sinn Féin will remain true to our principles and continue to oppose the bank guarantee.”

NOTE - Sinn Féin will be holding a petition signing tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm in Daunt Square opposing the continued handover of money to bondholders.
For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Sinn Féin Cllr Chris O’Leary has accused the Labour Party of executing a massive u-turn by voting in favour extending the bank guarantee.

Councillor O’Leary said:
“The Labour Party has executed a massive u-turn, abandoning its opposition to the bank guarantee and writing a further blank cheque for the banks.”
“Yesterday’s vote means the Irish taxpayer will be saddled with further unknown liabilities on top of the existing guarantee of €100 billion.”

“Given the risk to the taxpayer involved in the bank guarantee this must be the single biggest and most expensive political u-turn in Dáil history. Labour TDs trooped into the lobbies to give a further 12 months of life to what is universally regarded as the most costly and the most damaging decision ever taken by an Irish government. They did so at a time when uncertainty and volatility in the banking system is increasing and with it the level of risk to the taxpayer.”

“The scale of this U-turn is truly breath-taking, given the depth of opposition to the bank guarantee previously expressed by Labour party.”
“Unlike others, Sinn Féin will remain true to our principles and continue to oppose the bank guarantee.”

NOTE - Sinn Féin will be holding a petition signing tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm in Daunt Square opposing the continued handover of money to bondholders.
For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Sinn Féin Cllr Chris O’Leary has accused the Labour Party of executing a massive u-turn by voting in favour extending the bank guarantee.

Councillor O’Leary said:
“The Labour Party has executed a massive u-turn, abandoning its opposition to the bank guarantee and writing a further blank cheque for the banks.”
“Yesterday’s vote means the Irish taxpayer will be saddled with further unknown liabilities on top of the existing guarantee of €100 billion.”

“Given the risk to the taxpayer involved in the bank guarantee this must be the single biggest and most expensive political u-turn in Dáil history. Labour TDs trooped into the lobbies to give a further 12 months of life to what is universally regarded as the most costly and the most damaging decision ever taken by an Irish government. They did so at a time when uncertainty and volatility in the banking system is increasing and with it the level of risk to the taxpayer.”

“The scale of this U-turn is truly breath-taking, given the depth of opposition to the bank guarantee previously expressed by Labour party.”
“Unlike others, Sinn Féin will remain true to our principles and continue to oppose the bank guarantee.”

NOTE - Sinn Féin will be holding a petition signing tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm in Daunt Square opposing the continued handover of money to bondholders.
For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Sinn Féin Cllr Chris O’Leary has accused the Labour Party of executing a massive u-turn by voting in favour extending the bank guarantee.

Councillor O’Leary said:
“The Labour Party has executed a massive u-turn, abandoning its opposition to the bank guarantee and writing a further blank cheque for the banks.”
“Yesterday’s vote means the Irish taxpayer will be saddled with further unknown liabilities on top of the existing guarantee of €100 billion.”

“Given the risk to the taxpayer involved in the bank guarantee this must be the single biggest and most expensive political u-turn in Dáil history. Labour TDs trooped into the lobbies to give a further 12 months of life to what is universally regarded as the most costly and the most damaging decision ever taken by an Irish government. They did so at a time when uncertainty and volatility in the banking system is increasing and with it the level of risk to the taxpayer.”

“The scale of this U-turn is truly breath-taking, given the depth of opposition to the bank guarantee previously expressed by Labour party.”
“Unlike others, Sinn Féin will remain true to our principles and continue to oppose the bank guarantee.”

NOTE - Sinn Féin will be holding a petition signing tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm in Daunt Square opposing the continued handover of money to bondholders.
For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Labour U-Turn on Bank Guarantee

Sinn Féin Cllr Chris O’Leary has accused the Labour Party of executing a massive u-turn by voting in favour extending the bank guarantee.

Councillor O’Leary said:
“The Labour Party has executed a massive u-turn, abandoning its opposition to the bank guarantee and writing a further blank cheque for the banks.”
“Yesterday’s vote means the Irish taxpayer will be saddled with further unknown liabilities on top of the existing guarantee of €100 billion.”

“Given the risk to the taxpayer involved in the bank guarantee this must be the single biggest and most expensive political u-turn in Dáil history. Labour TDs trooped into the lobbies to give a further 12 months of life to what is universally regarded as the most costly and the most damaging decision ever taken by an Irish government. They did so at a time when uncertainty and volatility in the banking system is increasing and with it the level of risk to the taxpayer.”

“The scale of this U-turn is truly breath-taking, given the depth of opposition to the bank guarantee previously expressed by Labour party.”
“Unlike others, Sinn Féin will remain true to our principles and continue to oppose the bank guarantee.”

NOTE - Sinn Féin will be holding a petition signing tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm in Daunt Square opposing the continued handover of money to bondholders.
For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Labour TDs Vote against Protecting Child Benefit

Labour TDs Vote against Protecting Child Benefit

Labour and Fine Gael TDs last night voted down a Sinn Féin motion ruling out any cut in Child Benefit in the upcoming budget.

Speaking afterwards, Sinn Féin’s Jonathan O’Brien said:

“This vote has shown that Labour and Fine Gael are preparing to break commitments given in their own programme for government not to cut rates of Child Benefit.”

“ 'Protect Child Benefit – Vote Labour' declared the Labour Party posters before the General Election.”

“ 'We will maintain social welfare rates' declares the Fine Gael/Labour Programme for Government.”

“All that the Sinn Féin motion asked was that the government live up to its own promises. Yet it seems this is too much to look for from Labour and Fine Gael.”
“Yesterday we saw the release of figures showing a rise in the Live Register to 448,600. We have nearly 450,000 people unemployed, many of them with young children, many of them newly jobless and with mortgages to pay, and yet this Government is actually contemplating cutting Child Benefit.

“Fine Gael and Labour must live up to their election promises and protect the most vulnerable in our society – our children.”

For further information or comment contact Deputy Jonathan O’Brien @ 085-2133907