Sinn Féin Selects Chris O’Leary for South Central
Chris O’Leary was last night selected as Sinn Féin’s candidate to contest the next general election in Cork South Central.
Cllr O’Leary was selected unanimously after being proposed by Cllr Henry Cremin and seconded by Cllr Fiona Kerins. Afterwards, he told the well-attended convention:
“I am proud and honoured to be chosen to represent Sinn Féin in this election. My grandfather sat alongside Terence MacSwiney and Tomás MacCurtain as a Sinn Féin councillor ninety years ago. I hope we can summon up some of the courage and principle that animated their generation as we struggle to overcome our difficulties today.”
“The country faces a deep economic crisis, made worse by the corruption and mismanagement of the political elite. Four years ago Sinn Féin was arguing for a package of measures to curb speculation and reduce the price of building land; for rebalancing of the tax system towards taxes on incomes and on the wealthy; for proper regulation of the financial sector. If these policies had been implemented, the economic crisis would not have been as severe. This record, among other things, influenced my decision to join the party.”
“Today we see a consensus not just between Fianna Fáil and the Greens, but including Labour and Fine Gael, that at least €15 billion must be taken out of the economy over the next four years. This is despite the warnings of many economists that to do so will cost jobs, kill any prospect of growth, and send the economy into downward spiral. Sinn Féin is the only party which is not a part of that consensus. We believe that there is a better way.”
“That better way means putting money into job creation instead of into zombie banks. It means closing the deficit over six years, not four – as the ESRI recommends. It means placing the emphasis on tax increases for those who can pay, rather than cuts for those who cannot. It means ending the bank guarantee scheme and telling the bondholders at Anglo Irish that they must take their losses. It means stimulating the economy rather than further deflating it.”
“Sinn Féin is proposing a wealth tax on assets of over €1 million, excluding the family home, that would raise over €1 billion. We propose standardising all tax reliefs, raising a further €1.1 billion. We call for a 48% tax rate for those earning over €2,000 per week. These are just three of many detailed, costed proposals to increase revenue and save money. They prove there is an alternative to deflating the economy, punishing the poor, and driving down incomes and wages.”
“I want people to know that in the next election they have a choice other than between two cutbacks coalitions. Sinn Féin has experienced rapid growth in Cork South Central over the past five years. With three city councillors in the constituency we are now serious players. We are proud to stand outside the establishment’s consensus for cuts. Our message tonight is clear – if you want to break that consensus, if you believe there is a better way, vote for Sinn Féin.”
For further information or comment contact Cllr Chris O’Leary @ 087-2794307
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