McDonald Welcomes Cllr Chris O’Leary to Sinn Féin
Sinn Féin Vice-President Mary Lou McDonald has welcomed Cork City Councillor Chris O’Leary into Sinn Féin.
Speaking at an event in the Metropole Hotel this morning, Ms McDonald stated:
“I am delighted to welcome Cllr Chris O’Leary as the party’s latest recruit in Cork. Chris is well known as a grass-roots campaigner and a leading figure in the community development sector.
“His decision to join Sinn Féin further reinforces what was already a strong team on Cork City Council, where our party doubled its representation in the 2009 elections. I look forward with confidence to seeing Sinn Féin candidates challenging for seats in both Cork North Central and South Central at the next general election.
“I am sure other elected representatives seeking a progressive party that stands up for ordinary people and offers a clear political alternative will look at Chris’s decision to join Sinn Féin and consider whether this would also be the right decision for them.
Cllr Chris O’Leary said:
“Today is about building a strong, united and real alternative to the politics of the establishment in Cork.”
“Over the past few years I have established a good relationship with my Sinn Féin colleagues on Cork City Council. I have watched the party become a progressively stronger force in the politics of the city. I have seen Sinn Féin members and representatives campaigning on issues that are also important to me – for a real job creation strategy, for investment in communities, for action on anti-social behaviour and drugs, against NAMA and public service cutbacks.
“I have come to the conclusion that joining Sinn Féin is the best way I can contribute to building the genuine political alternative our city needs.”
“As a Sinn Féin councillor, I intend to continue the effective local representation and passionate advocacy of the interests of ordinary people in Cork on which I have built my reputation in politics.”