Friday, December 18, 2009

Cork Ógra take to the streets in support of Basque Youth activists.

Twice in the last week, members of Cork Ógra have taken to the streets in protest against the arrests of the Basque youth activists recently. On friday the 27th hundreds of leaflets were distributed in Daunt Square and Winthrop Street at a peak shopping time.

This was followed up on Wednseday the 2nd when a large contingent of local ógra members joined with the Irish Basque Solidarity committee in a leaflet drop and banner Drop in Daunt Square for an evening protest.

Cork Ógra spokesperson Dan Harty had this to say 'Given the complete and utter media blackout with regard to this issue, we felt we had to be vocal and to highlight this issue.
On both occassions i noticed people were genuinely surprised that these sort of things could be happening in Western Europe without comment, and the vast majority of people were extremely supportive of our actions.'

'There was a great deal of people willing to support the on-line petition as well, and hopefully these people will spread the word about the disgraceful actions of the Spanish government.'

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