Politicisation of Mac Curtain/MacSwiney Debate Completely Inappropriate
Jonathan O’Brien TD has described the politicisation of Friday night’s debate on the legacy of Tomás Mac Curtain and Terence MacSwiney, during which members of the panel launched attacks on republicanism both past and present, as completely inappropriate. Deputy O’Brien said: “Friday night’s debate at City Hall was billed as a serious reflection on the legacy of two of this city’s most honoured sons, Tomás Mac Curtain and Terence MacSwiney. Instead it turned into a highly politicised attack on republicanism both past and present.”
“The panel was deeply unbalanced, with three out of its four members having links to the Sunday Independent. The views of that newspaper both on republicanism, and the struggle for independence in Cork during the period 1919-21, are well known.” “While debate about our history is healthy, the lack of balance on the panel and reasoned debate was unfortunate for what was a commemorative occasion and particularly inappropriate given that members of both the MacCurtain and MacSwiney families were in attendance by invitation of the organisers.”
“In the course of the debate, panellist Ruth Dudley Edwards made a number of allegations about Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams TD. These allegations are both outrageous and untrue. They clearly reflect the political agenda of the individual concerned.” “Both Gerry Adams and the Sinn Féin party have a democratic mandate which was renewed and strengthened in the recent election. This is more than can be claimed for any member of the panel which on Friday night took it upon themselves to attack republicanism in all its manifestations.” For further information or comment contact Deputy Jonathan O’Brien @ 085-2133907.
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